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Simplified SDKs for Realtime Communication.

Introducing a cutting-edge open-source real-time communication infrastructure. Freeing you from implementation complexities and empowering focus on core business logic.


This project is a replication of Taxonomy using Astro v4 and shadcn/ui. Some features, such as authentication, subscriptions and API routes, have not been implemented yet.

Astro v4.5

Layouts, Image, View Transitions and more.

React 18

Play with React components & config. Use hook.


Uses Astro DB, a fully managed SQL database.


UI components built using shadcn/ui. (Radix UI and Tailwind CSS)


Not implement yet. Authentication using Lucia and Astro DB.


Not sure yet. Free and paid subscriptions using Stripe.

Astronomy also includes a blog and a full-featured documentation site built using Markdown and MDX from Astro.

Proudly Open Source

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